
☆My favorite languages☆

That is my favorite language. I think to let's put Japanese into English this language.

"Eight Changes to be Happiness"

If I change, your partner changes.

If your partner changes, your mind changes.

If your mind changes, your speech changes.

If your speech changes, your manner changes.

If your manner changes, your custom changes.

If your custom changes, your luck changes.

If your luck changes, your life changes.

If you are happy now, you seem yourself is good as it stands.

What do you think to hear that language. I think that language is wonderful language. I change myself to will be happiness and catch luck!!!

[107 words/3608 totals]

1 件のコメント:

mangi madang さんのコメント...

Hello Mai.

It is nice words of "eight changes to be happiness".
I agree the words.
