
The Goddess of Mercy's festival♪♪

Today, I went to the Goddess of Mercy's festival with my mother after dinner. This festival is one of the earliest summer festival in the Kumamoto prefecture.Young man wore happi coat and headband parade brave in the town and strike violently wooden cart is called "doranjya-".This festival is come down to pray rich harvest and promoting stockbreeding since about eight hundreds years. This festival is said to tie in the Bon dancing arranged in elegant taste at Kamakura age and the local Goddess of Mercy's relligion.

I feel this festival is the festival arranged in elegant taste and mixed sound of flute and drum are fantastic. I have liked summer festival very much since when I was a child. Especially, I have liked this festival very much since when I was a child. I like to walk with watching stalls in summer festival. I usually bought apple candy stick, cotton candy, character's mask, yo-yo, and played to scoop goldfishes when I was a child.

My mother and I visited the Goddess of Mercy, and we bought big and small apple candy sticks for my father, and we went to home.

We spent very nice time(>_<)☆★ I want to go to this festival next year again!!!
[211 words/7814 totals]


Today's lunch time(^田^)♪

I went to Ouchi cafe to eat lunch with my friends. My friends' name are Yuka and Ayumi. We was hungry very much. We ate A plate. A plate is salsd, soup, pickled carrots and main dish is lots of vegetables' ma-bo- tofu thickened with powdered kudzu on the rice. It's very delicious!!! We was full up and satisfied our hungry(^^)♪

After eating, Yuka and I ate caramel honey toast and Ayumi ate homemade custard pudding as dessert. It was very delicious(>_<)☆★ We were happy☆★ We chat various of things with eating. We had a good lunch time(^^)♪

[100 words/7603 totals]

☆Book Review 14: HALLOWEEN☆

I read this book "HALLOWEEN".

I examined about Halloween. Halloween is done traditional event at evening of saint day. This evening is believed to genie and witch come out and dead ghost visit their house as the finish of the year of Celt is October 31th. Celt wear mask and burn fire of the charm so as to guard body from them. This thing trigger Halloween. After this, at the night of the October 31th, they make "Jack-o'-Lantern" to stand candle in hollowed pumpkin, and children masked witch or ghost visit by a nearly house to recite "Trick or treat". In home, they make pumpkin's sweets, and children have to get sweets, and there is held Halloween party.

Halloween's theme is eerie things and awful things, and contain death, immortal monster, black magic, traditional monster and so on not only fairy and genie. Halloween's costume contain ghost, witch, bat, black cat, goblin, banshee, zombie, devil, Dracula, and Frankenstein. They decorate home their symbol in Halloween's back and forth time. Traditional Halloween color is black and orange.

Mainly, Halloween spread Ireland, United Kingdom, America, Canada, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, and part of the Australia. In Germany and Japan, Halloween is taken part of American public culture.

When I was a child, I went to English school. There is held Halloween on october 31th. I looked forward to do Halloween party and get sweets.(>_<)☆★ I wish I would held Halloween party at home if I would marry in the future!!!

[254 words/7503 totals]

☆Book Review 13: Fishy Tales☆

I read this book"Fishy Tales". Therefore, I examine about Clownfish and Sea anemone.

Clownfish belongs to Perciformes Pomacentridae Amphiprioninae. 28 kinds of the Clownfish inhabit tropical shelf of coral all over the world. We can see about 6 kinds of the Clownfish in Japanese waters. Clownfish have peculiar behavior that Clownfish live in the Sea anemone and have vivid color. Clownfish is about 15 cm long. Clownfish have a lot of strange characteristic that vivid color and living close together with big Sea anemone and sex change. Clownfish's body color is vivid color and mix red, orange, yellow, black, and white.

Kinds of the Clownfish is Amphiprion clarkii, Amphiprion frenatus, Amphiprion ocellaris, Amphiprion polymnus, Amphiprion sandaracinos, Amphiprion perideraion, Amphiprion akindynos, and Amphiprion nigripes.

Sea anemone is the animal lived take root on the rock and so on, and body is basic cylinder shape.Lots of the tentacles line on the periphery of the mouth. Tentacle have poison. Sea anemone get baits by using tentacles. Sea anemone in known to live close together with various of the animal. For example, they are clownfish, shrimp, crab, and hermit crab.

I introduce about kinds of the sea anemone. There are Haliplanella lineata, Calliactis japonica Carlgren, Boloceroides mcmurrichi, Actinia equina, Anthopleura fuscoviridis Carlgren, Anthopleura uchidai, Dofleinia armata, Antheopsis cookei, Antheopsis doreensis, Antheopsis maculata, Marcrodactyla aspera, Phyllodiscus semoni, Triactis producta, Entacmaea quadricolor, Heteractis aurora, Heteractis crispa, Heteractis magnifica, Stichodactyla tapetum, Stichodactyla gigantea, Stichodactyla haddoni, Stomphia japonica, Edwardsioides japonica, and Peachia quinquecapitata.

[248 words/7249 totals]


☆Book Review 12: Blue Fins☆

I read thus book "Blue Fins". I will go to Amakusa to watch dolphins and sea firefly with my father, mother, and aunt in next Saturday. I'm looking forward to the plan(>_<)☆★ I'm eager to meet dolphins soon!!!

So I examine about dolphin. Dolphin and whale are not difference. Lots of the dolphin inhabit sea or liver. Dolphin breathe by lungs. Cycle of dolphin's breath is about 40 seconds. At one time, dolphin is called to does not sleep quiet so dolphin always continue to swim with breathing properly to not swim once. But dolphin have special ability to can be slept turn about right brain and left brain. Dolphin is known to sleep with turning regular direction. This turn direction is the North hemispherical dolphin turn anti-clockwise and the South hemispherical dolphin turn clockwise. In this connection, dolphin swim with closing left eye when right brain sleep and closing right eye when left brain sleep. Dolphin swim with moving tail fin ups and downs. Dolphin's chid is grown by mother's milk while since birth. Lots dolphin is predatory animal to prey fish and so on. Lots dolphin move plural dolphins group. Dolphin's character is curious and friendly.

I introduce about the kinds of the dolphin. There is Delphinus delphis, Delphinus capensis, Sousa teuszii, Sousa chinensis, Sousa plumbea, Tursiops truncatus, Tursiops aduncus, Stenella attenuate, Stenella frontalis, Stenella longirostris, Stenella clymene, Stenella coeruleoalba, Lagenodelphis hosei, Steno bredanensis, Sotalia fluviatilis, Lissodelphis dorealis, Lissodelphis peronii, Cephalorhynchus commersonii, Cephalorhynchus eutropia, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii, Cephalorhynhus hectori, Lagenorhynchus albirostris, Lagenorynchus acutus, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, Lagenorynchus obscurus, Lagenorynchus australis, Lagenorynchus cruciger, Phocoena phocoena, Phocoena sinus, Phocoena dioptrica, Phocoena spinipinnis, Neophocaena phocaenoides, Phocoena dalli, Inia geoffrensis, Pontoporia blainvillei, Lipotes vexillifer, and Platanista gangetica.

I want to swim with dolphin's group.(>_<)☆★

[298 words/7001 totals]


☆Book Review 11: Cleopatra☆

I read this book "Cleopatra". I examine about Cleopatra.

Cleopatra is Egyptian Queen. Cleopatra's name means glory of father in Greek. Generally, Cleopatra is one of the best beautiful three women in the world, and known "a woman of great beauty".

By historian Plutarchus, Cleopatra is intelligent woman. In this connection, historian Plutarchus describes Cleopatra as her charm is air and elegant temperate speech. Evaluation of histrian Plutarchus is that Cleopatra is not a woman of great beauty.

As contemporary portrait of Cleopatra, two styles of Cleopatra remain curl style in the Greek fashion and straight hairstyle in the Egyptian fashion in the portrait of Cleopatra. The straight hairstyle is still thought the wig as old Egyptian cuts short hairstyle.

[121 words/6703 totals]


The Star Festival★☆

Today is the Star Festival. Do you pray to wishing things?(^田^)♪ This picture is my house's oblong card's bamboo grass is made by my mother. Unfortunately, we couldn't see the stars, because today's weather was cloudy...m(_ _)m I remembered last year's weather was cloudy...m(_ _)m

Do you know the Star Festival's story?(>_<)/" A Vega is a busy bee's woman and good at making fabric. An Altair is also a busy bee's man. Vega's father admit Vega and Altair's marriage. They are couple, but Vega doesn't make fabric and Altair doesn's pursue cow so we enjoy couple's life. Therefore, Vega's father is very angry, and separate Vega and Altair partition the Galaxy, and allow Vega and Altair to meet only once of the year on July 7th, and Vega and Altair can meet by magpie is hung bridge on the Galaxy. But Vega and Altair couldn't meet to cannot cross through the Galaxy's water increase if it will rain on July 7th. Also this day's rain is called tear rain, because tear rain is called Vega and Altair's tear.

I feel this story is sad story or pure love story like long-distance love affair(>_<) I wish Vega and Altair met...(>_<)☆★

[220 words/6582 totals]

☆Book Review 10: Romeo & Juliet☆

I read this book "Romeo & Juliet". Do you know this story? I watched this movie in English literature introduction class.

"Romeo & Juliet" is written a play by William Shakespears in England. "Romeo & Juliet" is a tragedy.

The stage is Verona city in Italy in the 14th century. In there, Montagues and Capulet repeat strife. Romeo of Montagues is afflicted by crush on Rosaline. Romeo sneaks into Capulet's party with his friends for his pastime. In there, Romeo sees Juliet of Capulet, Romeo and Juliet fall in love in a moment. Romeo and Juliet marries secretly through the good offices of Friar Laurence. Laurence expects to put an end to strife of the House of Montagues and Capulet. But, right after marriage, Romeo is caught up in strife on the street and kills Tybalt (he is a nephew of Lady Capulet) in revenge for being killed Mercutio (he is a best friend of Romeo). Prince Escalus (he is the ruling Prince of Verona) punishes Romeo to the banishment. In the meantime, Lady Capulet orders Juliet (her heart is filled with grief) to marry Count Paris (he is a kinsman of Escalus). Juliet requests Friar Laurence to her help, and Friar Laurence plans to truck of used suspended animation's poison for come up her to Romeo. But, this plan doesn't go the round to banished Romeo, Romeo thinks Juliet dies, and Romeo dies to drink poison at Juliet's grave, the right after Juliet waken from suspended animation dies to use Romeo's dagger, too. The House of Montagues and Capulet grieve to know things in the truth, and compound at last.

This story expresses irrational youth, passion, love owing to the youth, love gotten over reason, and result of the end of conflict between Montagues and Capulet. I feel sad story.....m(_ _)m

[305 words/6362 totals]


☆Book Review 09: Marcel and The Mona Lisa☆

I read this book "Marcel and The Mona Lisa".

Do you know Mona Lisa? I know Mona Lisa!!! Have you ever seen a painting of Mona Lisa? I have never seen a painting of Mona Lisa...m(_ _)m

I examine about Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa is drawn an oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci. His real name is Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. He is an artist and typifies the Renaissance in which he lived. He is known different name "Almighty genius" and called "Uomo universale". He leaves him footmarks in large field which is painting, sculpture, architecture, human body, the other technology. There is the most famous painting is "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa" and so on in the Renaissance.

Now, Mona Lisa is exhibited at Louvre museum in Paris. Mona Lisa is a feature in Louvre museum. Mona Lisa is one of drawn painting a person before fantastic apace for the first time. Many researchers is fallen victim to Mona Lisa's smile from old age.

I want to see Mona Lisa's smile this one time in life(>_<)☆★

[183 words/6057 totals]


☆Book Review 08: FLYING HOME☆

I read this book "FLYING HOME".

I examine about parrot. English name of Parrot "Cockatoo" derive from this bird's Malay name "kakaktua". Parrot is the bird of 21 kinds. Parrot shares lots of the characteristic with parakeet. Parrot's average is bigger than parakeet. But Nymphicus hollandicus is small parrot and the biggest parrot is Hyacinth Macaw and Strigops habroptilus and so on. In wild parrot, 11 kinds of the parrot inhabit only Australia, and 7 kinds of the parrot inhabit Indonesia, New Guinea, snothe the South Pacific, and 3 kinds of the parrot inhabit both New Guinea and Australia. Big parrot's average's life is long and lives more than 50 years. Especially longevity's parrot is called to live more than 1oo years.

I introduce kinds of the parrot. There are Probosciger aterrimus, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Cockatiel, Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Short-billed Black Cockatoo, Long-billed Black Cockatoo, Galah, Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Long-billed Corella, Western Corella, Little Corella, Red-vented Cockatoo, Goffin's Cockatoo, Ducorps' Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Citron-crested Cockatoo, Blue-eyed Cockatoo, Moluccan Cockatoo, and Umbrella Cockatoo.

In the kinds of the parrot, Endangered parrot is Goffin's Cockatoo, Red-vented Cockatoo, Moluccan Cockatoo, Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Citron-crested Cockatoo, and Palm Cockatoo.

[223 words/5874 totals]