First, I introduce about study UP's stone!!! "Sugilite" has powers to lead to place that you will go from now on, and enchance invention and soul and art ability.
Next, I introduce about economy UP's stone!!! "Tiger's eye" has powers to enchance your concentration and economy and intuition. "Rutile Quartz" has powers to enchance your concentration, and activate economy and health and body and spirit.
Next, I introduce about business UP's stone!!! "Carnelian" has powers to enchance eagerness of the business, and cultivate knot. "Jadeite" has powers to enchance a roaring trade and health and noble and longevity and virtue and self-possession and patience. "Jet" has powers to enchance status and wealth and honor and give unmoved fortune to you. "Smoky Quartz" has powers to diplomacy of the business and mental care. "Eye Agate" has powers to lead business to success. "Pictured Jasper" has powers to recovery and adjust new circumstance soon.
[176 words/2888 totals]
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